Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hello, it is wayyy past my bedtime!

The burst of spring that embraced our community the last few days was just the spark I needed to get motivated.

I cleaned most of my house.

Laundry, clean! SCORE!

Dishes, too!

Homework is caught up.

Babies have been played with, fed, bathed, and are now content and fast asleep.

I sat down and started working on the business plan that I have been putting off for...two years?

Maybe it's been three.

Ideas, ideas, ideas, I'm exploding! Always, constantly, consistently. But that's all I do.

I just sit around and explode.

Tonight I exploded onto a piece of paper. That's a step in the right direction!

It's supposed to snow again this weekend, and I'm ready for that.

I made it through my "dark months," which are probably the "dark months" or weeks or whatever for most of the country that gets trapped inside due to below freezing temps and piles of snow. I made it through.

Baby Boy's birthday in just a few short weeks. Then softball season, and that means spring will officially be here.

I. Am. Ready.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who's the slacker?

It ain't me, people.

Okay, it totally is.

I haven't blogged in a couple weeks.

There is a pile of dishes near the sink that I warn my son to stay away from because they are much taller than him and I'm afraid he'll get lost.

Don't go in the basement.

And the homework. OH. THE. HOMEWORK.

Who's idea was it to go back to college, anyhow?

It couldn't have been me. That would have been crazy.


I'm off to slackity slack some more. It's the cool thing to do.