Goals are my thing. It falls into my obsession with list making. I'm attempting to set some goals for September.
Maybe not even goals, plans of action. Or something like that.
I returned to school this past week. It was such a great feeling.
One of my goals this time around is to actually GO to class. Regularly, even! Crazy, I know, but hey, apparently that's helpful! I'll give it a try, at least.
Going off of that, I really want to do well. I'm already a little overwhelmed with the amount of reading I have to do, but I REALLY want this. So I'll do it.
My girl goes back to school next week. It's a big year. I want to work hard to make sure she has all the tools she needs to do well. I don't want her feeling rushed, which happened a lot last year. This year her school is closer and starts at a later time, two things that will hopefully work to my advantage. I want her to succeed, and to love school like I did.
More than that, I want her to be happy. School makes her happy so far. I want that to continue.
Juggling everything is going to be the toughest part. My coaching job, school, the husband's job, the daughter's school, the boy being at home. It will be rough. I want to make sure that we each get to spend quality time with everybody. That includes me with each of the kids, the husband with each of the kids, and the husband and I.
It's so easy to lose sight of that connection when there is so much going on.
We've been doing so well. We're pretty happy. Enjoying each other's company. Making us a priority is important.
So, September, with it's new beginnings, it's crisp air and changing colors, it's apple orchards and bonfires, it's precious family time on the weekends - bring it on. I'm so ready for you!
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